May 1

Have Fun While Gaining Extra Income: Festival Metro Metro

Festival Metro Metro is set to kick off some of the biggest music events of the summer season. Archer Guards will be providing security for over 70,000 festival-goers at the iconic Olympic Stadium on May 19-21. Here are some security recommendations and unmissable job offers for each event that you can work with us.

Every year, Festival Metro Metro and Fuego Fuego increasingly focus on celebrating the diversity of the world’s sounds, including urban music, reggaeton, and hip hop. Although these events are quite popular among attendees, some see them as the perfect opportunity to generate extra income during the summer. Read the article “Get the Most Out of Your Summer with Archer Guards“.

But where and when will Metro Metro take place? The urban music festival will return to the city from May 19 to 21, 2023. Headlining the third edition in 2023 will be Lil Wayne, Jack Harlow, and Lil Baby performing at the Esplanade of the Olympic Stadium, located at 4545 avenue Pierre-De Coubertin in the city of Montreal. Each artist will bring their unique style of music and energy to the stage, creating an unforgettable experience for all attendees.



The three-day festival will require at least 300 security agents to quickly handle any risky situation that may arise. One of the most important roles required by Archer Guards is that of an outdoor security guard to maintain a continuous and controlled flow over areas that are prone to riots. Additionally, we are hiring staff for Metro Metro to provide information on evacuation routes, give proper instructions to attendees, and know the location and procedures for the use of immediate action means of assistance.

The Metro Metro Festival is a celebration of urban culture and an event that brings together artists from all over the world to enjoy music and excitement. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this unforgettable experience!

Read also: Fuego Fuego Festival: A Celebration of Music, Dance, and Extra Income


  • Stay in designated areas: Only go to areas of the stadium that are designated for spectators.
  • Stay away from restricted areas and do not climb fences or walls.
  • Watch your step on stairs, ramps, and escalators. Hold onto railings if necessary and do not run or jump.
  • Report any suspicious activity: If you see any suspicious activity or behavior, report it to security personnel immediately.
  • Respect other spectators and stadium staff, and refrain from engaging in any behavior that could cause harm or disturbance to others.
  • Keep emergency exits clear: Do not block emergency exits and be familiar with the nearest exit in case of an emergency.
  • Be prepared for weather conditions, such as rain or extreme heat, by dressing appropriately and bringing necessary items such as sunscreen or rain gear.


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Archer Guards, Festivals, metro metro, Montreal Festivals, Montreal Security, Olympic Stadium, security

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